His Perfection

I get that some days you feel the walls are cracked the paint is chipped, and that you blend in the wallpaper, but remember perfection and performance aren’t necessary ‘nor are they a standard for your value.

You get that don’t you? You get it that you don’t have to be perfect, all you need to do is be you in your less-than-perfect state. We will never be that, only God’s way is perfect and He loves our broken selves just as broken as we are ❤ It’s Him who perfects our ways just as He pleases.


All Gone Wrong Days

So maybe your day isn’t going so great and it feels like it’s one big heap of nonsense that no one even cares about. What do you do with that? What to do when the good ole days have kicked up their heels and jollied off south to the sunshine and fun-shine and left you in the heaps of winter doldrums feeling a bit shabby and just not up to snuff?

Maybe there’s been a conundrum of ifs ands and buts and you’ve played 20 million questions and not gotten any answers because there are no answers to get!

Everybody else is right and no one even hears what you have to say, nor do they care if you have anything to say at all. It’s a crazy mixed-up life and your day has just toppled off the wall much like a Humpty Dumpty. Yeah, we’ve all had them, haven’t we? We’ve all been there, haven’t we? We’ve all witnessed firsthand the downside of difficult and the hard-pressed pages of hardship.

Beautiful you, through it all, stay true to the right things. Don’t let a downcast spirit, crush your day or dictate your feelings. You can know the sun shines from the heavens on you, and even through dark clouds of gray, God sends His grace and favour from His heavenly throne to your soul.

Get away with the God who cares deeply about you and even though you feel alone and isolated He’s crazy about who you are. You are made in His image and that’s His brilliant creation and perfection, personified in you. It’s no small matter. It’s who you are!

David knew how perfect God’s way is when he penned Psalm 18:30, 32, 33, 34,

“As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the Lord is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in Him…It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect. He makes my feet like the feet of a deer, and He enables me to stand on the heights. He trains my hands for battle;…You give me the shield of victory.”

Awesome words from David to us on this all-gone-wrong day. So, beautiful one, get away with Jesus, even for a few minutes. Soak in His grace and learn from His laws. They will revive your soul and bring joy to your heart. It’s a promise from His heart to yours.

Read Psalm 19: 7, 8, 9 

Deafening Silences

So, today, as we move toward Advent and begin to swing open the gates of the celebration season, be sure to listen in to the deep silences for the cries of the suffering! Those who suffer from the loneliness and pain of the time of year that it is! That alone is enough, but then top it with financial loss, inflation, rejection, abuse and loneliness, for whatever reason and it makes for a time of desperation for many.

The silence may be deafening and may well be the loudest cry that we hear through the busy noise of our busy days.

Philippians 2:4 can be a big reminder to us if we ponder the words of Paul who wrote to encourage the believers,

“Do not be concerned about your own interests, but also be concerned about the interests of others.”

Yeah, Paul knew that to refresh a soul would indeed bring refreshment to the giver as he penned words of encouragement from behind prison bars. So as we approach the sweet and beautiful celebration of Advent, let’s listen deeply into the deepest recesses of our worlds for the voice that cries the loudest in silence. ❤

They may be the one with the arrogant actions, the most words, the biggest smile, and the most success, but if we listen with insightful ears we may hear a silent sadness in the heart of which they don’t dare speak, because the hurt is too real and the pain too great.

Paintbrush of Red

Some days the pain goes way deep and the hurt is really real and really hard and the heart hurts and the head hurts and the soul cries and the tears flow and the days are just so overwhelming.

In these anxious-filled, difficult moments, we have an Author writing our lives with pen in one nail-pierced hand and a divine paintbrush of grace-filled red in the other. His blood was shed for us and yeah, He paints our story beautifully now because of it.

He’s our Saviour and He’s made a way for us to make it through this hard place! Only because of the cross, His death, and His life can we have hope and do this hard thing, defying us and staring us in the face. So whatever it is He’s written and writing and hand-painted for your story, you gotta know He’s got this and His sustaining grace covers it for us.

So beautiful you with a beautiful soul, At such a time as this, He is our Healer, our Protector, and our Provider through it all and all the way to the cross He proved it. Now, just hand those anxious thoughts, that fear, disappointment, and deep hurt over into the Saviour’s pierced hands, the one and only Author of our faith who paints our story so perfectly; so beautifully perfect for us at such a time as this! It’s ok then to just breathe and rest in His care and safekeeping and know the promise of Romans 8: 28 is Truth!

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”
