Your Story

Even if we aren’t readers, we’ve all been at some low point in our lives when we’ve picked up a book to glean valuable insight into our problem. This is your spot to share some of those times.

Thank you for sharing your books and stories with us!

I have a book!… It’s FIRST WE HAVE COFFEE by Margaret Jansen…It was very helpful and a blessing to me -when I was a young mom of 3 under 3..and our little family moved for my husband to pastor a little church in a tiny town in saskatchewan…The author shared the many times God took care of her and her little ones while also moving to a tiny town in saskatchewan for her husband to pastor a tiny church..full of scripture..encouragement and miracles God blessed her and the family through trials and happy times..I don’t even remember who gave me the book..or how I got it…but I have read it many many times thru the years…and it still encourages and blesses me.

Deborah Legrow