For Such A Time As This

With coronavirus on the rise, panic sends the world reeling into a frenzy. The outbreak of a pandemic has wrapped it’s icy fingers around its corners and countries and nations that man appears to have no control of. If only we would have used our intelligence from the beginning and taken care in the market places and in the handling of wildlife for food, perhaps not going there at all, would have been the starting point for nipping such a viral affliction in the bud. After the swine flu and the bird flu and whatever else came along, We are still slow learners aren’t we?

Perhaps when symptoms surfaced and the COVID -19 shouted loud and clear that it was on the rise and rapidly spreading, travel should have been banned on all fronts. Yet it wasn’t! Instead, the economy shouted “money” and “fun” called, so the world took flight and took sail and went wherever they desired, only some, to find themselves returning home with symptoms that tested positive. So now was the time to quarantine. Let’s place them out of reach for a time, while all those they had already come in contact with, go to their homes, their workplaces, their schools, and their circles of influence to watch still more symptoms surface! Yet, we heard from the media, that officials were doing all they could do to smash this bug and nip it in bud.

Yeah, we sit in our brilliance and our intelligence and yet, we lack so much common sense. Now, our world sits in fear as the numbers rise and the death bell tolls. What should our reaction be to this monster that rages around the world? We tend to choose a side, and either appear complacent for fear of what others will think of us, or we take action and appear paranoid. Friends, God has not lost control, but man has and fear and panic are aggressively on the rise! Recession is looming and disease is rampant and God looks on and pities us in our weak, human and finite frames. I’m so thankful He shows mercy to our pitiful condition and showers unending grace over our downfalls. When we think we’re so smart, we’re not, and when we think we’re in control, we’re not, and when the rubber really meets the road, we try to put on the brakes to stop it but we can’t, because we didn’t try soon enough. We let our selves, our fun, our money and our economy get in the way. We did what we did because we desired it and now we’ve fallen flat on our faces with recessions and lockdowns.

As believers, we need to find peace in this chaos and be a calming, stabilizing and balancing influence, but at the same time, we need to use the brains and the common sense that our loving God gives for such a time as this. Let’s be challenged to cut down the risk of spreading by not travelling or at the very least by quarantining ourselves when returning from excursions to other countries! To naively wait for symptoms to show, is redundant because by then it’s way too late and we’ve already infected with others with our contact.

Canadians are so far, fortunate enough to not have COVID -19 spread too far, but if individuals don’t do their part, use common sense, perhaps stay home and away from crowds, shopping malls, and events, it will spread rapidly and Canada will be sucked into the downward spiral of COVID-19! We can be so thankful for the selfless health workers and all those working around the clock to help the afflicted and try to make them comfortable, but they’re garbed and robed and protected as best they can be. The rest of us? Well, we need to do our part too. If we’re not health care, we need to be strong and refrain from spreading it. How can we be strong in this thing? It doesn’t mean we take on a bull in a china shop mentality and live in denial. Perhaps our strength comes in selflessness, by taking a stand and refusing to do things we so don’t want to give up. Solomon reminds us, ‘If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small’ (Prov. 24:10). Friends, we can’t faint and give up or give in to this thing, nor can we be paranoid and run in fear, however, we have to be smart and strong. Fun things like eating out, drive-throughs, mall shopping, and places where people are in close proximity, in my mind are the breeding grounds for a rampant rise. Who knows who’s been where, who they’ve been in contact with and where those fingers have been that just handed you that cup of coffee so nonchalantly in the drive-through? Yeah, I’ve watched them, hand over coffee cups with fingers all over the drinking spout. It sounds small and kind of crazy but it’s ‘real’ people. Today, the virus is a reality that’s touched down around the globe and it’s a reality where lives are at stake.

As believers, we need not fear or panic. We can rejoice in adversity and be thankful, for we know that all things are Father filtered and beautiful souls we are confident in our Hope of heavenly glory! We need not fear! Yet, at the same time, we can deny ourselves a few things that may be harmful to ourselves or others. To stay away from the fun takes a strong countenance because our frail human nature is to want what we want, and sometimes at all cost. So, wherever we are on the scale today, right now, in this place where we find ourselves, let’s do our part to do all we can to keep this thing on the down-low and stop it! Just me, Just sayin’!

‘If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small’ Proverbs 24:10.

“Rejoice always and pray without ceasing. Give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of God, in Christ Jesus for you.”
1 Thessalonians 5: 16 – 18

So between Good Friday and Easter Sunday it’s Saturday. A quiet day of just rest! Oh yeah, how quiet is our soul when it’s filled with great remorse and sadness over how we’ve handled the past day! How we’ve mocked, scorned, ridiculed and gone along with the crowd simply because of our humanity? But today, there’s hope lying in that grave of our guilt and remorse. All that guilt that follows all that stuff that we’ve just done to follow the crowd, to enjoy selfish pleasures, to crucify our Lord, well, a grace greater than our sin says “It’s not the end; but only the beginning.”

You see, on that third day, that heavy stone was rolled back and our Lord, rose out of that tomb leaving all that it stood for, behind, as He walked into the dawn of a brand new day. A new element of heavenly dimension! He entered into a new eternity with a new life, as he entered into a timely, pivotal point in history for the whole world. It was a world changer, a defining moment for humanity, where His victory over death was defeated, and the enemy’s best shot at defeating our Lord, was overturned, overthrown and overruled. The enemy’s best shot to defeat Christ and all He stood for, and all that He came to accomplish, lost, and what’s left, when death, the biggest thing ever that could thwart life, meets abundant life here and Eternal life forever: a victory so much greater?

What more can be said on the matter? It’s over! It’s done! It’s finished! Truth didn’t bury! Death didn’t win! The grave is empty! Our guilt is gone! Our Lord has risen! Our Saviour reigns and our salvation is made available. Our forgiveness is free for the asking and our guilt is lifted. Our debt is paid and our hope is eternal!

Wow, just wow! Talk about grace! Talk about mercy! After what we’ve just done, we are now free to go free and free to enter into that pivotal point that went down in history and see it working in our own lives as followers of this victorious Christ. We are free! It’s a life changer and friends, beautiful things are happening behind that impossible, rolled stone today. You are free to go free from your guilt and anxiety, worries, cares and fears! God has this one and His empty grave is our victory!

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.”
1 Peter 1:3

“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”
John 11:25-26

Replenishing Wastelands

“Be glad, O people of Zion, rejoice in the LORD your God, for he has given you a teacher for righteousness. He sends you abundant showers, both autumn and spring rains as before. The threshing floors will be filled with grain; the vats will overflow with new wine and oil.”
Joel 2: 23 , 24

God breaks through a bleak, devastating picture of judgment on Judah and Jerusalem with a promise of restoration if the people would only repent. He promised the devastating drought would be reversed with a regular pattern of rainfall. He promised to restore His people and their material lives, replenishing their fields, orchards, vineyards and flocks. He would replenish the fruit of their land and eradicate invading armies from the north. He would once again, prove His faithfulness by regulating the pattern of rainfall with refreshing rain.

Doesn’t he promise the same for us? For the messes we find ourselves in, His faithfulness is there to meet us where we’re at. All He requires from us is a repentant heart and our Redeemer and Savior will move in to clean up and replenish the wastelands of our lives with His refreshing rains of grace and mercy. Are you searching today? Feeling life is quite messy with things you can’t change, habits you can’t break and people you can’t love?

God promises help for those moments of bleak devastation! He’ll eradicate your past and replenish the fruit of your life with the redemptive power and cleansing blood of Christ. Just give him a chance and tell Him to take over the control of your life… your problem… your heart!

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/▌*˛˚ღ •˚ ˚… Healing 4 Your Soul ~* Unconditional LOVE*~ … ˚ ✰* ★
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As God Is Our Judge

Isaiah 33:22
“For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; it is he who will save us.”

The Lord’s rule is a part of His divine order and as Creator of all things His rule is just and righteous. He is the Ancient of Days and has served as law giver and judge from the beginning of time. He will continue to maintain His sovereign position until the end of time.

The God who oversees our actions, behaviors and motives in the beginning, sees them at the end. It’s frustrating and possibly frightening when medical reports get lost in the shuffle of transient doctors and a personal, medical history disappears into the archives only to leave a new doctor without the whole story of our health. God isn’t transient. He doesn’t move, or change. He doesn’t lose our information and our history doesn’t get lost in the shuffle. He knows us well! He knows the end from the beginning and will judge us accordingly! Our King, our Messiah our Ancient of Days will reign and will usher in a just world. He is our saving grace, our protection and our salvation. His Spirit will change a heart and one day will transform the world into a place of righteousness, justice and peace.

I think this is so important to grasp a hold of in light of our forgiveness, and /or our desire to retaliate and get even with sweet revenge. We so often think that we sit alone in our hurts and unfair dealings. As God knows our hearts, motives, and actions, we can be assured that He also knows the heart motives and actions of those who have offended, betrayed, spread rumors or lied about us. He doesn’t loose track of who does what, and why they do it? God is just and righteous. He will grant mercy and justice when and where it’s needed, as well as judge the unforgiving spirit of ourselves or another. This knowledge of the just God should take a burden off our shoulders. Our offender/s will not get off free under our Sovereign God’s rule. Then again, nor will we if we are to blame but live in denial.